From a Fencepole to a Fleet: The Inspiring Journey of techCONNECT

In the quiet expanse of Nkomazi, stands a silent observer that we affectionately refer to as “Pole”. Though seemingly insignificant, this ordinary fencepole – which once served as the foundation of our first makeshift tower – holds a significant place in the history of techCONNECT. It’s a poignant reminder of our humble beginnings and an […]
An Ode to Pole

Our very first tower was a fencepole. We connected another pole to make a taller tower. Today, finally, we have moved all equipment off the pole. We call him “Pole” In the heart of the great techCONNECT domain,Stood a humble servant known only as “Pole”,Its existence elemental, yet not in vain,Wireless bonds it bestowed, that […]
Leveraging Next-Gen Wireless Technology for Rural Connectivity: A techCONNECT Perspective

Introduction The digital divide remains a substantial challenge globally, particularly in rural and remote areas. Many communities lack the infrastructural support needed to enjoy the benefits of fast, reliable, and affordable internet access, a fact that has become increasingly problematic in our digitally-driven age. At techCONNECT, we are committed to changing this narrative through innovative […]
Wi-Fi 6: The Future of Internet Connectivity is Here, and It’s Faster Than Fiber

In the world of internet connectivity, a new player in town is set to revolutionise how we access the web. It’s called Wi-Fi 6, and it’s not just an upgrade; it’s a game-changer. For Fixed Wireless Access providers like techCONNECT, this new technology opens up a world of possibilities, promising speeds that can rival and […]
Interview with techCONNECT: Harnessing the Power of Preseem for Optimal Network Performance

Arno Joubert, our Technical Director, was recently interviewed by Neil McDonald from Aterlo Networks regarding a product called Preseem that techCONNECT had implemented in their Network Stack. Neil: Tell us a bit more about techCONNECT Arno: We started operating in June 2017 in the quaint border town of Komatipoort. Primarily serving rural areas within a […]
techCONNECT: Unlocking Connectivity in the Nkomazi Region with 23 Towers and 55 Access Points

In today’s digital age, internet connectivity is the lifeblood of communities and businesses. As an internet service provider (ISP), techCONNECT understands the importance of meeting clients’ evolving demands while delivering reliable and efficient internet services. This blog post will delve into the fascinating world of techCONNECT and its efforts to unlock connectivity throughout the Nkomazi […]
How to Speed Up Your Internet: The Role of Latency

Internet speed is not just about how much data you can download or upload at once (aka ‘throughput’), but also about how quickly that data can travel from point A to point B. This speed of data travel is known as ‘latency’, and it’s a big deal. Imagine you’re in a race: Throughput is the […]
Unusual Wi-Fi Network Names and Their Stories: A Compilation of the Funniest, Most Creative, and Bizarre Names We’ve Seen

Every once in a while, while we’re setting up a new device or simply trying to find a better signal, we come across a Wi-Fi network name that stops us in our tracks. Some are funny, some are creative, and some are downright bizarre. Here are a few of our favourite Wi-Fi network names, each […]
“A Day in the Life of a Tower Techie – A Tale of WiFi, Wind, and Wacky Antennas”

Hello there, internet enthusiasts, WiFi wanderers, and those of us who can’t go five minutes without checking Instagram! Today, we’re going to take a delightful detour into the daily life of a tower techie at techCONNECT. Grab your harness, hard hat, and hearty sense of humor, because we’re climbing high! 5:30 AM: Rise and Shine […]
Lighting up the Internet – Alphabet’s Laser-Powered Leap into Remote Connectivity

Hello, tech enthusiasts, futurists, and those of us who just love a good story about lasers! Today we’re going to take a deep dive into a fascinating development that’s happening in the world of internet connectivity. Grab your popcorn, sit back, and let’s beam up into Alphabet’s laser internet initiative! You’ve heard of Alphabet Inc., […]